It's really hard for me to tell you every little detail, because unlike vampires, demons cant remember every little detail of their 1000 year existance (belive me i know some centuries old vampires that can remember the meal they ate for their 642nd birthday O.o). So i struggle to pull up every little detail so questions help me with missing details. Ill start by introducimg immediate members of our family.
Daski: Me. i was turned into a demon at the age of 14 when my friend, a demon from birth, hated how the humans treated me and Changed me.
Sewreel: my alter ego. Hundreds of years ago, she was a theif that was sent out on a misson to steal an item that used properly would freeze all humans in time, but not demons. She fail and was "captured" by a vampire in her fleeing. The vampire was killed by a witch after turning Sewreel into a vampire and the witch bound sewreel to a human body, who was already inhabited by me. years later, after studying the Witchs' magic to fight fire with fire, she split the two of us in two so we were in our own bodies. me still being human, i continued with human life. but she hated how i was treated so she turned me into a demon.
Oh what happened to her vampire part? Sewreel is also a goddess from birth, and the purity from her goddess blood destroyed the "impure" vampire blood. She did create three fledglings before she lost her Vampire blood, and one of them took her place as queen (the queen stuff is a whole nother story in its self that we really dont like to talk about... ).
Daizo: my only daughter. She's aproaching a year old right now and has a daughter of her own. Ever since she could remember, she's known her ex-boyfriend, Itsumo, or ii for short. He's a human and i allways warned her about demons being with humans but she was so in love with him. Her relationship with him lasted about... oh.... three months before things went down hill.
(Ok this part of the story is gonna get gross so if you dont like Homosexuals, pass up the rest of this) So Dai and ii were madly in love and Dai got pregnant off him. Ok, so then a month later, ii starts showing signs of bisexuality with his half brother. -_- then weeks later, ii dissappears. months go by and Dai has her daughter, Terry, and still no sign of ii. his half brother Rhow steps in to be a father figure, and we soon all find out ii drown himself -.- months later, Terry's growing up and wondering where her real father is cuz she knew that Rhow was her uncle. So, Rhow and ii's mother, Meri brings ii back from the dead(cuz she's realy an undead and has some kind of title with protecting graves or something), and he's more homo than ever -.- Dai becomes confused and hurt cuz ii promised to be there for her yet he wasnt, but Terry couldnt care less, she had her father.
After another month, ii is pronounced totaly homosexual with Rhow -.- Dai, confused, lonely and outraged fell into depression. but after some more months she gets over it and is now happier and is much better off
Arborgandon: the supreme god of all demons. I _despise_ him. I, in being changed, got Sewreel's goddess blood so in turn got all her goddess powers. I now am the Goddess of Destruction and thus the only one that can kill arborgandon. (-.- it really sucks being me) He had allways found me attractive, yet very very intimidating at the same time. And he raped me. Thus creating a monstrosity of bloodlines, my son DuQuesne, the next ruler of the demon heaven, Asgard.
See, throughout history, there has been two completely different blood lines. Back in Egyptian times, there were many more bloodlines, but allways the one ruler line and the one line that can kill that line. Thus the Gods progressed on; the Greek Gods, then the newest, the Norse Gods, my direct relatives. It was the Norse Gods that gave us the two destinguished bloodlines, Odin's line and Loki's line. Arborgandon's line is Odin's; the rulers. My bloodline is Loki's; the destructor. Sewreel is the direct decendant of the Fenris, or Fenrir, Wolf. Thus i am.
So now within the Demon Gods, there are only two lines, the ruler and the destructor. Sadly there are only seven of the destructor line left, four are incapable of having children, one is my half breed, one is me, and one is the last female destructor born. DuQuesne, my half destructor, half ruler son is now with the last remaining destructor besides me, Acrucio her name is. They're trying to separate the bloodlines again.
I bet your asking why it's such a big deal to have these two bloodlines. See, ANY ruler in history, especially the Gods' ruler, has cone completely nuts with power. The destructor line, the Gods/Goddesses with some actual BRAINS have the power to kill the ruler if they go to power crazy. That's why we need to keep the lines separate.